Great Invention ... Head Napkin

Actual Patent Illustration - All Inventions Hold Real USA Patents

Head Napkin 
US Patent  6,212,199*  /  Issued 2001  
Hunters Hide.  They build blinds, they paint their faces and some even rub animal scent all over themselves to better stalk their wary prey.  But our inventor says it's your head that sticks out  like a sore thumb and clues the animals that a human with bad intentions is lurking.  So the inventor devised the Head Napkin, a wire supported camo-print, fabric flap that is sure to fool only geese that need glasses.  But it does work somewhat.  Our extensive in-the-field testing has shown that the Head Napkin is just as effective as wearing a sign that says; "Your don't see me, I'm not here". 

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